April Showers Bring May Flowers

Happy April!
As the old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. It’s time to make it rain in your business! What is exciting and new that you can share with your friends and customers? How can you break out of the closed circle of your VIP group? Here are just a few ideas:

💐Get REEL! These short format Facebook and Instagram videos are HOT! Use company provided clips or make your own. Show your product, lip sync or share a quick tip. Reels are a mobile feature only. Find them by clicking the 3 lines {hamburger} in the upper right of your app. Reels can be up to 90 seconds long with music , audio or text.

💐Do you have a Facebook business page? Think of it as your storefront and your VIP page as your shop. A page is easy to set up and shows up in google searches. You can also link your page to your VIP group! Start here facebook.com/pages/create or click the 3 lines on the upper right of your phone app.

💐TEXT! Texting gets results. You probably have too many customers to text individually, I get it. I use Project Broadcast. Create the message once and it goes out to all your peeps! Set up keywords, campaigns and more. Give it a free try using my special link and look for a training coming your way soon!

💐Go live on your Facebook profile or page with a teaser. Lives still get high engagement. Set it to public and you become searchable in the search engines which could bring you new business. Don’t apologize for it. Be a friend sharing something they love with people they love! P.S. Live has additional features from the phone app over laptop. Have some fun with it.

💐Stories on Facebook & Instagram. These appear at the top of your phone app. They can be images or videos up to 20 seconds long. Unlike Lives and Reels, Stories disappear after 24 hours but they get great engagement.

💐 Don’t forget about Youtube & TikTok

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